Registration and Pay 2024
(Registration open - see below)
Also see Call for Papers/General Information for deadlines and fees
Registration by Bank transfer: starting February 1, 2024 registration opens for institutional and individual (preferably multiple participants although individual participants accepted too) using bank transfer. Please email the name or names, name of institution and physical address to pahce2024 [AT] to receive detailed information to complete the bank transfer or use the next data for your transaction:
International Code Swift: MENOMXMTXXX
Account Bank (Clabe): 072180075000151874
Name of Bank: Banco Mercantil del Norte (Banorte)
To finalize your registration, please send your proof of payment to pahce2024 [AT] in PDF format or a copy of your screenshot when you paid, in JPEG format, in addition to informing us if you need a Tax Invoice, so that you can send your Proof of Status Prosecutor (applies only to people of Mexican nationality) of the SAT in PDF format.
We are working with an international payment platform (Paypal) to make this process online and easier. We will announce it soon, be updating this page.
The payments have to be made/issued in US dollars. Email and request bank transfer or certified check payment information. Please note the system has a new interface for the registration: Conference participants with or without paper presentations select an option “General Attendee”; Conference exhibitors select an option “Exhibitor”.
All authors who present their papers:
You may check the status (accepted/pending/or other) of your submitted paper under Paper Submissions. Authors: Check Status
After you register above, please go to and click on "Call for papers" - "Paper submissions", then to "Authors: Edit Submission". Enter "Paper ID" and your "Password" In the lower portion you will find a section: “Comments to chair”.
Please enter your payment registration number (including applicable number which was assigned to you, and the name of the corresponding name associated with this registration number) or identify in details other form of registration payment such as wire transfer, or other. Registration required for the inclusion of submitted papers in the program and their publication. In all correspondence refer to your paper ID number if applicable.
Also in “Comment to chair” indicate preferred mode of presentation: oral or poster We regret if due to scheduling limitations we will not be able to accommodate all preferences. Click “Submit changes”
A registered participant, who is an author or 2nd or 3rd co-author, may submit one paper without any additional fee. Submission of additional papers (maximum two additional per registered participant) is subject to approval and additional payment - 2nd paper $50 USD; 3rd paper $ 50 USD, due to increased additional costs that the conference currently has to pay for.
Av. IPN No. 2508
San Pedro Zacatenco, GAM
07360, CDMX